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Our Mission & Mandate

Mission Statement

The Canadian Deafblind Association – BC Chapter promotes the awareness and recognition of deafblindness and Intervention.


We are a provincial organization that endeavours to:

A woman is crouched in a pen with two ducks, holding bird seed in her cupped hand. A boy with a black vest, blue and white hat and blue plaid backpack is leaning over the woman and reaching for the birdseed in her hand.

Language Usage

“We recognize that there is a wide variety of preferences in regard to language usage. For the purposes of this website we are using terminology and spelling that is in alignment with our CDBA National ‘Adoption of Terminology’ (2010).”

A young girl with dark hair and a white shirt is sitting in her yellow chair playing with a colourful toy.
Exploring at home

Sign up for our newsletter

Twice a year, Spring and Fall, we send out a newsletter to share news of happenings and information in our organization and within the world of deafblindness.
Picture of the first page of the CDBA-BC Spring/Summer 2021 Newsletter. A collage of photos of children and adults doing fun activities around the CDBA-BC logo. Below the photo is a list of topics ‘In this issue’ and an article about CDBA National.