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We are looking for...

Interested in working with a child with deafblindness? We can connect you.

A woman with dark hair and light blue sweater is looking at a young girl in a wheel chair who has blue glasses and a grey sweater. They are holding hands and painting a picture together, using the hand-under-hand technique.
Painting a picture using the hand-under-hand technique.

Are you interested in becoming an Intervenor?

Contact us for more information about what’s available.

How It Works

CDBA-BC provides the funding for families to hire Intervenors to work with the child at home or in their community.

How the Program Helps

During the spring, summer and winter school breaks, children and youth receive Intervention support within their homes and communities throughout the Province.

“Doing with often takes longer but it’s worth it.”
Intervention: A Guide to Getting Started
2002, British Columbia School District 38, Richmond